Delish Naturals is a family owned business in Alberta, Canada. Delish's owner, Krystal Clark, started the business in 2008 out of necessity due to her daughter’s eczema and desire to find a rash treatment safe to use with cloth diapers. From this came their first product, Yum Bum Butter, which can banish many skin aliments such as cradle cap, eczema, psoriasis, and cracked, dry skin all while smelling good enough to eat and being cloth diaper safe! The success of Yum Bum Butter brought about an entire line of all natural and organic skin and bath care products for the entire family to include body wash, lotion, soaps, balms, deodorant and many more. All Delish Natural products are made from quality ingredients that are ethically derived, ecologically sustainable, and organic whenever possible. You won’t find any nasty chemicals like phalates, parabens, petroleum, and/or sodium laurel sulfate (SLS) in these products. The Delish guarantee? "If we wouldn't put it on our babies, it won't go on yours.” The result is products that are crafted with care and made fresh to order. Sounds a bit like food, right? Hence the “delish”!
I was fortunate enough to try several of the awesome products from the Delish Naturals product line. While I have to say ALL the products I tried were wonderful, I’ve narrowed this review down to four of my faves, Yum Bum Butter, Raspy Rub, Delish-ious Shampoo & Body Wash, and Delish-ious Baby & Body Lotion.
Yum Bum Butter:
All Yum Bum Butters are formulated with organic coconut oil, shea butter, olive oil, and cocoa butter. The Yum Bum Butter I tried on my 2 year old toddler was the Therapeutic EO Blend. The first thing I notice right off is the fresh, clean smell of lavender and tea tree oil when I opened the tin. The crunchy mom in me LOVES the smell of essential oil, especially lavender! This blend is the “workhourse" of the Yum Bum Butters, warding off yeast and bacteria while promoting healing, protection, and moisture for your baby’s delicate skin. The second thing I noticed is it doesn’t take much to get a good coating on the skin because this stuff is thick! The less you have to use, the more cost effective the product. Perfect for those of us who have “ champagne taste on a kool-aid budget”! My little boy developed a rash from eating too many grape tomatoes (one of his favorite foods) while I was testing out the EO blend. This was the big test for me because in the past when his skin gets irritated, medicated or therapeutic salves/butters have caused him to scream because they burn any opened skin that may accompany the rash. Surprisingly, even with the essential oils, he did not respond at all except to continue to wiggle around, which is par for the course with a toddler! At his next diaper change a few hours later, the rash had drastically improved. By the end of the day, he was almost rash free! I am very impressed with the quality of this product and plan to branch out and try some of the yummy smelling ones next. With scents like Black Raspberry Vanilla, Warm Apple Pie, and All Natural Kiwi Kiss, it’s a fruit lovers smorgasbord! For those of you not fond of scents, Delish also offers, In The Buff, an unscented Yum Bum Butter.

Raspy Rub:
What is Raspy Rub, you ask? In a nutshell, think Vicks Vapor Rub sans a bunch of useless, nasty chemicals making this product safe for ALL members of the family, including babies 6 months and up. When I received the Raspy Rub, I thought, “How on earth am I going to test this out in the middle of a Texas summer?” Well, lo and behold, my entire family came down with a cold in July! I swear it was divine intervention! Bottom line, this product is a lifesaver. There is nothing worse than a stuffy baby that cannot sleep or nurse because he/she cannot breathe out of his/her nose. Then there’s the stuffy mommy that can’t sleep because she can’t breathe either but has to get up and take care of her children regardless. One tall, double caf, hazelnut. soy latte, please!! The first time I used the Raspy Rub was right before my little boy went to bed. After bulb suctioning his nose, I put some of the Raspy Rub on his chest and on the outside of his nose (very small amount). It glided on very easy thanks to the Organic Coconut Oil and Organic Shea Butter that make up this wonderful product. Along with this I got our cool mist humidifier out (who knew I would need it in the middle of a heat wave?!) to aid in keeping his nose open. He slept through the night, which NEVER happens when he’s sick. In the morning, he had loose congestion is his nose that was very easy to suction out. The Raspy Rub and humidifier had done a fabulous job of keeping him from getting stuffy during the night. By that evening, I was coming down with the same virus. After seeing how well it worked for my son, I decided to try it out on myself. I did the same thing for both he and I that I had done the night before. The balm was very comfortable on the skin, no burning or tingling like you might expect with Rosemary and Eucalyptus EOs. Once again he slept through the night and I am happy to say I slept through the night too! I did say, “Lifesaver”, right?!! I also noticed our noses did not get chapped from all the blowing and wiping that makes colds so miserable. Just another benefit of the Organic Coconut Oil and Organic Shea Butter in the Raspy Rub. Overall, I really love this product and plan to buy more when my current tin runs out. Save yourself sleepless nights and buy this product at the start of cold and flu season. A little goes a long way so one 2 oz. tin should last through the entire season.
Delish-ious Shampoo & Body Wash:
This combo shampoo and body wash is great for the entire family, including new little ones! The tear free formulation is comprised entirely of gentle saponified oils, amino acids, vitamins and proteins while remaining nut, dairy, gluten, paraben, wax, SLS and phthalate free. I tried the Grape Soda scent which smelled so much like grape soda that it literally made me salivate! And want a Nehi Grape soda! So, it’s safe to say the first thing I LOVED about this product was the yummy scent. The next thing I noticed as I was using it to bathe my son is it does not foam up much because it is SLS free. Being SLS is a good thing but it takes some getting used to when the norm at bath time is foam-a-palooza! I found using a bath pouf made for kids works great and gives off more suds than a washcloth. For some, this may not be important but, while we all want to use non-toxic products on our kids, others may not know SLS free products foam much less than bath products laden with SLS. The nice thing is my son did not seem to notice. All in all, this product did a great job cleansing the skin and hair of one ornery 2 year old. His hair and skin was SO soft and smelled “delish”, even before using any lotion. The best part happened the next morning. My son has curly hair so we wet it in the mornings to get it to lay down. When I sprayed his hair, I instantly smelled grape soda! In 2 years of using baby wash and shampoo, that has NEVER happened. The next day, same thing! “Gee, your hair smells terrific!”, only now it’s free of chemicals! Bottom line, it’s very important to me to use safe skin care products on my son so I would certainly buy this product. If you use a bath pouf, not only will the wash foam up more, it will last longer because you use less product. A nice perk for us budget conscious mamas. Delish-ious Shampoo & Body Wash comes in a wide variety of yummy fragrances so pick one that makes you salivate and enjoy!

Delish-ious Baby & Body Lotion:
What more can I say about a silky, non-greasy, fast absorbing lotion that left my skin feeling baby soft? Oh, I know! It’s formulation of soothing calendula, apricot kernel oil, and sweet almond oil combine to prevent moisture loss, while vitamin E and amino acids restore essential vitamins and proteins in your skin, all while being completely chemical free and gentle enough for a newborn! I absolutely fell in love with the Sweet Orange Baby EO scent. Believe it or not, it was a nice complement to the Grape Soda scent in the body wash. Think Fanta Orange meets Nehi Grape! Since it’s a non-greasy formula, it’s easy for adults to reapply this lotion throughout the day without having to worry about leaving greasy fingerprints behind. A big plus for those in professions where you do a lot of hand washing. I never thought there would be a lotion that would please both the woman AND mom in me. This lotion was perfect for my 2 year old as well as myself. It left his skin feeling soft and silky as well as looking radiant and healthy. What impressed me the most is while this product doesn’t have the term “hypoallergic” in it’s description, it ought to because although I tend to have skin reactions to scented lotions, I did not react to this lotion. All this time what I thought was a fragrance issue may very well be a chemical issue. Apparently, thanks to Delish Naturals, I CAN use scented lotions as long as they are made from all natural and/or organic ingredients. SCORE!!!
Overall, I am very impressed with Delish Naturals and their commitment to selling high quality, chemical free, eco-friendly, boutique baby products. Whether buying them for your own family or as a gift, you can rest assured knowing you are spending your hard earned money on products that are safe for the ENTIRE family! One less thing for tired parents to worry about in a busy world! Thanks Delish!!!
To celebrate Delish Naturals arrival at our wonderful little shop, we are giving away a Yum Bum Butter to one lucky winner (a $14.95 value). Enter below for your chance to win. If you would like to purchase the products in this review, you can find them locally in the shop or in our online store here. Thanks for taking the time to read my review! --Gina
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