Photo courtesy of Diane Turner
Go, Baby, Go! was founded in 2007 by a Work-At-Home-Mom (WAHM) who saw there was a need in the San Antonio area for a natural baby store that sold cloth diapers and baby carriers. Through online sales and direct sales through independent consultants in several states, the business thrived and grew quickly. The current owner, Elizabeth Spillmann (Liz), became an independent consultant for Go, Baby, Go! in 2009 and eventually purchased the business in January 2011. Since taking over as owner, she has continually increased her product lines to offer a diverse inventory of natural and organic products that promote cloth diapering, babywearing, and natural skin care. On January 18, 2012, a little over a year after buying the business, Liz opened up a retail store in Alamo Heights, a small suburb located near San Antonio's downtown area. I had the opportunity to talk to Liz about her experiences as a cloth diapering mom and Go, Baby, Go's owner.
Tell us a little bit about yourself. I have been married to the awesome Daryl since 2005. I have a bachelor's degree in Agricultural Economics from Clemson University and a Master's in Agricultural Education from Texas A&M University. I worked for the Texas Cooperative Extension for several years before we moved to San Antonio. Then, I worked for the University of Texas Health Science Center in the Department of Physiology. Once I had my baby I decided to become the best stay at home mom I could be by staying home with my kiddos while they were little. It went hand in hand with my desire to breastfeed and raise my daughter according to my high standards of care. Rowan is now 3.5 and Robert will turn 2 in March. It's been a wild ride but I am so glad I have been able to give them the gift of my presence and thankful for the opportunity!

What influenced your decision to use cloth diapers? My mom, definitely. She 100% breastfed and cloth diapered me during an era when it was not the most popular option and stood her ground. Most of my parenting decisions, including having natural births, came from her influence and her forthright way of communicating positively about good things and "breaking the cycle" about bad ones. I actually researched cloth diapers and natural birth before I had kids; before I was married, even! Over the years I have learned so much from her desire to not only save money but not be wasteful, and continuing this tradition came very naturally. She is an amazing example and I am so lucky to have support in all my decisions.
What inspired you to open a retail store? Like many of my customers, I wanted this town to have a place where moms could openly see and feel all the different options for today's cloth diapers on their own schedule and all at once without the pressure of a 1-on-1 consultation (though that is still an option for those who want one!). While working from my home in 2011 was a necessity both financially and practically, the demand for cloth diapers had exceeded both my storage space and my time limitations. It was time to move up and out, and my children are of an age where I can make it work! I am so grateful to all the local mamas who were so dedicated to me and supported me last year, and giving them an awesome place to shop and send their friends is the least I can do.
If you had to pick one product GBG sells that you couldn't live without, what would that product be? Wow! Honestly, I would say laundry detergent. Haha!
If you had to give one piece of advice to potential cloth diapering parents, what would you say? Keep it simple! Find out what works for you and go for it. If there is something that is causing a problem or not working, get rid of it and find things that do work for you. There is no reason to struggle through a problem when there are many other options that make cloth diapering easy and FUN. Ask for help.
At Go, Baby, Go!, you will find many popular cloth diaper brands such as bumGenius and FuzziBunz along with natural skin care products from CJ's Unique Boutique and baby carriers from Boba, Kozy, and Moby. One of Liz's passions is to promote products made in the USA. Not only does she stock several made in the USA brands, like the ever popular Thirsties, Knickernappies, and Kozy Carrier Mei Tai but she also carries Kissaluvs, which are made right up the IH-10 corridor in Houston, Texas. And, if that isn't enough, she carries brands such as Rockin' Green Laundry Detergent & Cleaning products, Water Wrap Carriers, and Buddha Bunz Wool Dryer Balls, all of which are made locally by WAHMs! Go, Baby, Go! is committed to carrying only the highest quality products from manufacturers that offer the best warranties and customer service. Shopping with Go, Baby, Go! offers clients the opportunity to shop local, support small business, and experience one on one help and support with the products they purchase. In the near future, look for new products in the shop, monthly cloth diapering and babywearing classes, and "cloth diaper cafe", a monthly get together where cloth diapering moms can meet and talk about fluff! How awesome is that?

Photos courtesy of M.Y. Photography
Please join us for our "official" Grand Opening Celebration on
February 18th at 11:00 am!
6104 Broadway Street, Suite C-4
San Antonio, Texas 78209
Because we appreciate your support of Go, Baby, Go!, two lucky winners will receive a $10.00 gift certificate to use online or in our retail store! To enter, fill out the giveaway form below.
Good Luck!